
How To Leave Fantasy League Espn App

FSR08 Rules Index


Custom leagues are defined as leagues with 2-10 Team Owners and non-standard scoring using customized ESPN Fantasy Stock Car rules. Custom leagues are FREE and are not prize-eligible. Custom scoring formats can either be Head to Head or Points Based (see Rules: Scoring Settings for more information). You can only create a private custom league, or be invited to join a custom league that currently exists.

To create a FREE Custom league click here. You will be taken to the league setup screen to name your league, choose a Public or Private designation (i.e. Do you want other leagues to see the performance of your league's Team Owners?), choose all your rules settings (roster size, scoring options, schedules etc.) and lastly, assign a draft type and time. Once your league has been created you will have access to your team and league page to prepare for your league draft, invite owners, and more.

Only a league's creator, known as the League Manager, can set up a private custom league, allowing teams to join by invitation. All invitations are sent in the form of an email which contains a unique URL. This unique URL is the ticket to play in the league and must either be clicked on or copied and pasted into the browser's 'Address' field.

League Creators can access the Invited Members page by clicking on the "Members" link from the League Office. Enter the email address of each person you want to join your league in the "Send Invitations" text box (as seen in the screenshot below):


Below are examples of problems you might experience when joining your league and how you can go about fixing them. If one of the examples does not help rectify your problem, please contact Customer Service at 888-549-ESPN.

  • No invitation received: If the League Manager (League Creator) says he sent you the invitation but you do not see it in your email inbox, it could be due to:

    1. Your email address entered is simply incorrect. In this case we ask you to communicate with the League Manager to ensure your correct email address is entered.

    2. Your corporate (or ISP's) firewall blocks email from our ESPN servers. In this case we recommend the League Manager uses the "Send me a copy of each invite" option. Once he receives the "cc" email (which contains your team's unique join URL) and he can then forward that email to you via his personal email service (thus bypassing any firewall).

  • Invitation received but unable to join league: The League Manager invites you to play, and you receive the invite, but upon clicking the unique URL, the page returns saying you can not join the league. This may happen due to one of the reasons listed below:

    1. The League Manager invited another owner to join the team after he invited you. Once a different email address is entered and submitted, the system will void the unique URL on the previous email.

    2. The League Manager changed your email address. Likewise to the previous example, once a different email address is entered and submitted, the system will void the unique URL on the previous email.

    3. The League Manager deleted the league prior to you trying to join it. In all cases we recommend that you contact the League Manager directly and work out the details.

You can remove your team from a Custom league by clicking on the "Leave League" link on your main Team page.

NOTE: You will not be able to leave a league after it has drafted. If you are the League Manager (and you created the league) and leave your league before anyone else has joined, the league will be deleted.


The Basic Settings page is where it all starts and is the first step in creating a custom league that you personally manage. As the league creator (or League Manager), you can configure virtually all aspects of your league, from the scoring system to the style of draft. The first step is to name your league.

As the league creator, you get to decide what your league will be named. League names are limited to 32 characters and cannot contain foreign or HTML characters. League names are not unique, so there could be multiple leagues with the same name. The league name can be edited at any time during the race season through the "Edit League Settings" tool.

NOTE: Inappropriate, offensive and/or obscene league names are unacceptable and subject to change and may result in further action. (See Rules: Fair Play / Conduct for more information)

You can choose either Points-Based or Head-to-Head Scoring formats. For detailed information on Scoring, click here.

  • In the Head-to-Head format, each team in your league faces off against one other team every week of the season. However, your league might contain "Bye" weeks. The winner of each of these matchups is the team that accumulates the most fantasy points determined by the weekly statistics of the drivers in each team's active roster slots and the scoring settings of your league. Weekly results (win, loss, tie) are tallied into an overall record and displayed on the league's standings page.

  • Points-Based scoring is a season-long competition in which all owners/teams are ranked by their cumulative total points (i.e. the owner/team with the highest total points is in first, the second highest points total in second and so on). After the final race of the Sprint Cup season, the Champion is the owner/team with the overall highest points total for the entire season.

You, as league creator, manually set all your league's settings using the league configuration wizard. You will review every section of the League Settings and will be able to make any desired changes. ESPN's default values are set for every option and can be edited at your discretion.

If this button is clicked, the system bypasses the league configuration wizard and automatically sets your league up using ESPN's default system. You, as the League Manager, can then go back and manually edit any part of the League Setup.

The number of teams in a league can be set from 2-10. You can change the number of teams until one hour before the scheduled draft time. This is done using the League Manager Tools page, where you can adjust the league size by deleting or adding teams.

NOTE: If the number of teams is changed in a Head-to-Head setup, the league's schedule will need to be reset. The Divisions & Team Settings page allows the League Manager to customize the number of divisions in the league, name each team and specify in which division each team will compete. Below is a list of all the options, plus details about how they work.

Fantasy Stock Car allows for 1-4 divisions in which 2-10 teams compete. Division names can be changed at any point during the season from the "Edit League Settings" page.

The number of teams listed here is equal to the number that was selected on the Basic Settings page. Team names consist of a combination of three elements: location, nickname and abbreviation. When a team is displayed in the game, generally both team nickname and team location will be displayed (as in on Standings and in Box Scores), but on pages where there is limited space, only the team nickname is displayed. In other places, only the team abbreviation may be displayed. These settings can be changed by the League Manager at any time during the season.

  • Team Location - Max of 32 characters

  • Team Nickname - Max of 32 characters

  • Abbreviation - Max of 4 characters

  • Division - If the league has more than one division, specify the division designation for each team here. For reasons of fairness, it is wise to make sure each division has the same number of teams.

NOTE: After team owners join the league, they will be allowed to edit the name of their own teams.

The Owners Info & Send Invite page in League Setup allows the League Manager to set the number of owners on each team and to enter each owner's name and e-mail address. This is also the page that is used to send league invitations and to monitor whether the invitations have been accepted. This page can be accessed all season long.

This section allows the League Manager to set up the initial owner information for each team and track the status of ownership.

  • # Owners (per team) - Custom Leagues allow teams to have more than one owner. Max of two (2) allowed. The League Manager has the option to add multiple owners, or team owner can do this for their teams.

  • Owner - Enter the team owner's first and last name.

  • E-mail - Enter the team owner's email address the league invitation is sent to.

  • Status - 'Joined' or 'Invited'. Displays the current status of each team's invite.

NOTE: After a team joins the league, all team owners will be allowed to edit the name of their own teams.

Invitations are sent in the form of an e-mail which contains a unique URL. The person who receives the invite e-mail must click on the unique URL (or copy and paste the URL into browser 'Location' field) in order to join the league. Below is a list of the options and details on how they work.

  • Send invites to - The League Manager specifies who (if anyone) will be sent a league invite upon submission.

  • Send me a copy of each invite - 'Yes' or 'No'. If 'Yes' is selected, the League Manager receives a copy of each sent email invitation. If necessary, it can then be forwarded to the appropriate invitee. If 'No', the email is only sent to the invitee.

  • Send custom invitation - 'Yes' or 'No'. If 'Yes' is selected, a text box will appear below where the League Manager can enter a personal note that is appended at the bottom of the outgoing email invitation. If 'No', the system will send a standard message.

NOTE: If an owner's e-mail address is input and an invitation is e-mailed to him, but then the owner's e-mail address is changed on this page before he has a chance to accept it, the first invitation will become invalid and the owner must accept the second invitation.

Once an invitation is accepted (and the team owner joins your league) the "STATUS" column will change from "Invited" to "Joined". The "OWNER NAME" column will also populate with owners name and the "E-MAIL" column will be replaced with a "Send Email" link.

IMPORTANT: Once an owner has accepted an invitation, the e-mail address associated with the team is defaulted to the address associated with that owner's Member Account. League Managers can not change e-mail addresses of owners. The owner needs to visit Member Services to make this change.

How To Leave Fantasy League Espn App


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